Has my order been shipped and when should I expect it?
Orders are shipped within 1 to 2 working days following the day the order was placed.
Once an order is shipped, an email will be sent with the tracking information to the email registered to the order.
What are the accepted payment methods?
Globally, we accept only PayPal, in Egypt we accept Visa/Master and cash on delivery.
Are the perfumes properly sealed for international shipping?
We provide standard wrapping at the moment, yet we assure you that your orders are protected enough for international shipping.
Which couriers ship the products worldwide?
We use DHL express for worldwide shipping and locally we ship with Aramex and our affiliated personnel.
For worldwide delivery we do not deliver our products to four countries for the time being,
Russia, due to the armed conflict and Australia for logistical issues by the courier Palestine and Israel due to security concerns.
Can I order a perfume sample?
You are eligible to two samples of your choice with the order unless samples are out of stock.
You can also order a sample set from our website, which include a complete sample set of our 2 main lines, the “Signature Symphonies” and the “Essentials”.
Is there a return policy?
We currently offer only refunds on damaged (due to shipping) bottles.
How can I contact the customer support?
You can contact us either on our email address info@thecolognehouse.com or through calling us on +201272214005 during our business hours Saturday through Thursday 10am – 8pm GMT. 6am -4pm EST.